The Pros and Cons of Planned Sex vs. Scheduled Sex

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When it comes to sex in a relationship, there are a variety of ways to approach it. One popular approach is to have planned sex, where couples set aside time specifically for intimacy. Another approach is scheduled sex, where couples have a regular, predetermined time for sex. Both methods have their pros and cons, and it's important for couples to understand the differences between the two in order to find what works best for them.

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Planned Sex: Spontaneity with a Twist

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Planned sex is when couples make a conscious effort to set aside time for intimacy. This could mean scheduling a date night or setting aside a specific time during the week for sex. Planned sex allows couples to prioritize intimacy and make sure it doesn't get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It can also add an element of excitement and anticipation, as couples look forward to their planned time together.

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One of the biggest benefits of planned sex is that it allows couples to prioritize their relationship and make sure that they are spending quality time together. It can also help couples to communicate about their needs and desires, as they have to make the effort to plan and schedule their intimacy. In addition, planned sex can help to keep the spark alive in a relationship, as couples make an effort to keep their sex life a priority.

However, planned sex can also have its downsides. Some people may feel that it takes away from the spontaneity and passion of sex, as it can feel like it's being forced or planned out. It can also put pressure on couples to perform, as they may feel like they have to stick to their schedule even if they're not in the mood. Finally, planned sex can also lead to disappointment if one or both partners are not able to follow through with their plans.

Scheduled Sex: Routine with a Purpose

Scheduled sex is when couples have a regular, predetermined time for sex. This could mean having sex every Saturday night or setting aside a specific time each day for intimacy. Scheduled sex can help couples to establish a routine and make sure that they are consistently making time for each other.

One of the biggest benefits of scheduled sex is that it can help couples to maintain a healthy sex life, even when life gets busy. It can also help couples to feel more connected and intimate, as they have a regular time set aside for each other. In addition, scheduled sex can help to alleviate the pressure and anxiety that can come with spontaneous or planned sex, as couples know exactly when to expect intimacy.

However, scheduled sex can also have its drawbacks. Some people may feel that it takes away from the passion and excitement of sex, as it can feel routine and predictable. It can also lead to a lack of spontaneity and creativity in the bedroom, as couples may feel like they have to stick to their schedule. Finally, scheduled sex can also lead to feelings of obligation and pressure, as couples may feel like they have to have sex even if they're not in the mood.

Finding What Works for You

Ultimately, whether planned sex or scheduled sex is right for you and your partner depends on your individual preferences, needs, and desires. Some couples may thrive on the structure and routine of scheduled sex, while others may prefer the excitement and anticipation of planned sex. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what works best for both of you, and to be flexible and willing to try new things.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to make sure that both partners feel happy, satisfied, and fulfilled in their sex life. Whether you choose planned sex, scheduled sex, or a combination of both, the key is to prioritize intimacy and make sure that you are making time for each other. By finding what works best for you and your partner, you can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life that brings you closer together.